This complaint forum was set up in response to issues concerning Shaw Academy courses and customer service. If you have any problems or issues with Shaw Academy, or want to leave other feedback, please post a comment below.
Shaw Academy is an Ireland-based online education provider. Online Study Australia has no association with it.
Make your complaint anonymously
If you have a complaint, please use your mailbox and send to us . Any complaints or related issues will be published here.
"Hi guys,
They scammed my money also but I got a refund.
If you want your refund you need to emailed them everyday asking them to refund and threaten them to take fraud action against them. Every 24 hours leave a bad review on Trustpilot. If you use PayPal make sure you block further payments getting taken. Go to your account and under merchants remove SHAW ACADEMY.
I found an Instagram account under
-This page help me get my refund
There is also a website
I still don’t know how they are getting away with it guys. Sorry you have to experience this
Hope this helps"