919 PROSPECT AVE: Trustee Okayed to Access $1M Loan From Owner

AAD LLC: Sale of Kirkland Property to Coakley for $458K Approved

ACURA PHARMACEUTICALS: BDO USA Expresses Going Concern Doubt

ADEPTUS HEALTH: Files Chapter 11 to Facilitate Restructuring

ADVANCED SOLIDS: AIM Buying Residential Furniture for $1.5K

ADVANTAGE SALES: S&P Rates $425MM Secured Loans 'B'

ALGAR LLC: Taps William Stevens as Legal Counsel

ALVOGEN PHARMA: Moody's Affirms B2 CFR; Outlook Stable

ALVOGEN PHARMA: S&P Affirms 'B' CCR; Outlook Stable

AMERICA GREENER: Case Summary & 20 Largest Unsecured Creditors

AMERICAN APPAREL: Standard General to Welcome Settlement Talks

ANGELICA CORP: May Use $37M of $65M Financing From Wells Fargo

ATOPTECH INC: To Submit New Proposal for Sale

AVAYA INC: Court Okays Key Employee Incentive Program

BCBG MAX: Wants Permission to Enter Into License Pact With GBG USA

Bill Wichert, writing for Bankruptcy Law360, reports that the Third Circuit has found that two suppliers cannot recoup money owed to them by a bankrupt contractor through construction liens on developments where the business had worked.  The liens, says Law360, were against the property of the bankruptcy estate and breached an automatic stay on the actions.  The circuit panel affirmed in an opinion a 2016 New Jersey federal court ruling that upheld a bankruptcy court's orders invalidating the liens filed by Cooper Electrical Supply Co. and Samson Electrical Supply.

In re Claude Hamaoui

Bankr. S.D. Fla. Case No. 17-14383

Chapter 11 Petition filed April 7, 2017

represented by: Zach B Shelomith, Esq.

E-mail: zbs@lsaslaw.com

In re Rental Homes NC, LLC

Bankr. E.D.N.C. Case No. 17-0174

Chapter 11 Petition filed April 7, 201

represented by: Danny Bradford, Esq


E-mail: dbradford@bradford-law.com

In re Judith Caparro

Bankr. D.N.J. Case No. 17-17105

Chapter 11 Petition filed April 7, 2017

represented by: Marvin Lehman, Esq.

E-mail: mlehman@sseclaw.com

In re Alejandro Corral

Bankr. D. Nev. Case No. 17-11765

Chapter 11 Petition filed April 7, 2017

 Filed Pro Se

In re Dave's Automotive & Truck Rental, Inc.

Bankr. D. Nev. Case No. 17-50410

Chapter 11 Petition filed April 7, 2017

represented by: Kevin A. Darby, Esq.


E-mail: kad@darbylawpractice.com