We have two bicycles - my old Rudge BiFrame, which needs a new cable for the rear derailleur, and a splendid upright town bike we got second-hand in a bike shop. Recently Pat also borrowed a bike from the Maison du Velo in Bordeaux. They'll lend you a town bike free for ten months.

Our apartment block has a bike store - it's a big room near the entrance with lots of hoops to attach your bike. But to get the bike out you have to wrestle it past the self-closing doors and negotiate several right angle turns. It's awkward. So we walk and tram and bus and forget the bikes...

So here's the plan - the same Maison du Velo will loan you a folding bike for two months. We'll get one on Monday. That way we can fold it up when we get back to the apartment, lug it into the lift and store it by our front door.

If it works well maybe we could get our own once the two months are up...